We Ride For Those Who Died

Become a Rider/Register

Law enforcement officers interested in riding may be active, retired, reserve and represent a law enforcement agency within the United States.  Survivors are also invited.  In addition, various support positions are available for civilian personnel and law enforcement officers not able to ride in the event.

Registration is a two-stage process.  Please complete the initial Stage 1 signup.  Once reviewed and approved by the Tour coordinator, you will receive an email to complete Stage 2.  You are NOT a member UNTIL you have completed Stage 2 and paid your membership application fee.  Members not completing both stages will be placed on the waiting list, this includes past members.

All participants (riders and support) are required to do the following:

  • Complete a Police Unity Tour application and include a non-refundable $150 membership application fee;
  • Abide by fund due dates; NEW rider minimum $750.00 by December 1, 2024; returning members must have minimum of $750.00 by January 15, 2025
  • Raise a minimum of $2,300.00 in donations by April 1, 2025;
  • New riders must attend (out of state members may view meetings live) mandatory chapter meetings; and
  • Be able to incur various other tour related expenses (i.e.; round-trip airfare, bicycle equipment, and Police Unity Tour jersey);
  • Abide by safety rules.
  • Local riders MUST participate in the posted training ride.  This ride will gage your readiness for May’s event.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: How much does it cost to participate?
Answer: Riders/Support are required to raise a minimum of $2300.00. and pay for required Tour uniforms. In addition, all members must pay a non-refundable $150.00 registration fee.  Please allow for airfare costs.

Question: Who can participate as a Rider?
Answer: RIDERS shall be sworn law enforcement officers. Retired, and reserve officers are also welcomed. We also invite any immediate family members of participating law enforcement officers  and survivors of officers killed in the line of duty to participate as a riders. All participants must be at least 18 years of age.

Question: When does the Police Unity Tour take place?
The Police Unity Tour takes place every year during National Police Week.  The event dates take place from May 8th through the morning of May 14th.  The ride dates are May 10th, 11th and 12th.

Question: Do I need to make hotel arrangements?
Answer: No, the Chapter makes your hotel reservations and your registration monies and membership fee cover the hotel expenses from May 8th through the morning (check out) of May 14, 2024.  Any hotel arrangements to stay in Washington D.C. past this date must be made by the member themselves and are separate from the tour hotel contracts.  The Tour will not  extend your room on our contract.

What happens if a Pandemic occurs and I cancel. Do my funds carry over to the following year?
The Police Unity Tour is an ongoing fundraising event.  Funds of past years have gone towards the Memorial’s current restoration by adding 24″ of additional limestone wall.  When a member commits to fundraise, their donors are contributing to towards the  Police Unity Tour’s mission of raising funds  for the NLEOMF and funds will be forwarded accordingly, not as a rider credit.  It is not our intent to cancel any event unless forced to cancel due to circumstances entirely out of our control.  If you are uncomfortable participating, we truly understand your concern and we hope to see you in 2026.

Question: Who can participate as a member of the support TEAM?
Answer: Our SUPPORT TEAM is open to active or retired law enforcement personnel, immediate family members of an active or retired law enforcement officer, Civilian employees of a law enforcement agency, survivors or any individuals sponsored by current members in good standing. All participants must be at least 18 years of age and have a valid driers license.

Question: As a new rider why do I need to raise $750 by December 1st?
Answer:  Historically, new riders are our highest drops.  This due date allows us to monitor if a new rider is committed to fulfilling the overall minimum fundraising.  Failure to raise this minimum, allows us to move off a new member and to move a waitlist member onto the team.  Please note, for 2025 registration, past riders will be notified when registration will open. Once open, registration is open to all.

Question: Do I need to make my own Air travel arrangements?
Answer: Yes, each member is responsible for making their own travel arrangements from the beginning of the Tour in Somerset, New Jersey as well as for their return from Washington D.C.  Please attend/view meeting for specific information.

Question: How far is the route?
Answer: The whole ride is approximately 270 miles. The route is challenging but can be done if the member trains properly.  Please check our Facebook link for posted training rides.  Out of state members are encouraged to coordinate and post their rides as well. Please attend/view meeting for specific information.

Question: What is the pace?
Answer: We average 15 mph. The speed will vary based on conditions and terrain. You must train for this ride and be prepared to ride over 100 miles on day two.

Question: When does the membership / application process start?
Answer: We will begin accepting memberships / applications for the 2025 Police Unity Tour in early September.

Question: If I sign-up for the one year membership, do I have to participate in the Police Unity Tour ride in May 2025?
Answer: No, you may opt to join as a member of socalput and receive e-mail updates and participate in the weekly training rides and all socalput functions. Registrations are non-refundable.

Question: If I decide not to ride, can I give my membership to another person?

Answer:  No, the registration is non-refundable and non-transferable.

Question: I own a recumbent bicycle and/or an E-bike, can I use this type of bicycle?

Answer:  Not at this time.

Upcoming Chapter Meetings

  • Overnight Training Ride, April 12th/13th-2025 (To be confirmed)-members must RSVP
    April 12, 2025
  • Last Team Meeting -March 27, 2025, 7:00pm (PST)
    March 27, 2025
  • First Team meeting-October 17, 2024-meeting updated
    October 17, 2024

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