We Ride For Those Who Died

Last Team Meeting -March 28, 2024, 7:00pm (PST)

Last Team Meeting:

Location: Los Angeles Police Academy, 1880 Academy Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90012. Room No. 208; 7:00 p.m.

We will discuss gear packing, bike boxes,  information about arrival.

Questions are welcomed.  If you live out of state, please tune in 7:00 p.m. PST via Facebook live.  Questions can be posted and answered live.

There is an opportunity to sell your fundraising items.  Uniforms will be available for sizing and will be for sale.  Please take advantage of this as we will not sell uniforms in New Jersey.

All funds are now past due.  If your checks have been mailed, please send the donation coordinator an email of status or donate to yourself online.  Hotel names will be submitted and there will be no other roommate changes.


Our scheduled overnight two-day training ride is mandatory for local new members.   This is the best gage to ensure a new rider will be prepared for the May ride.  Members MUST RSVP.

The ride is open to  registered members who have met their minimum fundraising.  Registered members may invite nonmembers, however, please contribute a minimum contribution of $30 for cost of Day 1 lunch and Sag stop goods. to the overall tour.  Please use this link to donate to overall tour (not a registered member).Nonmember Contribution

Thank you and please stay safe and informed.  We understand your continued training is important.  For members wishing to post an upcoming training ride, please email me and I will post them on our site, under the, “Training” tab.



Upcoming Chapter Meetings

  • Overnight Training Ride, April 6-7th-2024-members must RSVP
    April 06, 2024
  • Last Team Meeting -March 28, 2024, 7:00pm (PST)
    March 28, 2024

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Countdown to Southern California PUT Ride
